Sunday, March 6, 2011

Splends Diverticulitus

American Idol: Anna Carina GO GO!

I think the blond beast great. Unfortunately, some people understand sarcasm, and therefore they can not decipher Anna Carina, but this girl is simply amusing. It is sarcastic, talented, and yes a bit sloppy. But honestly, we're all sloppy.
Nina is just not ready for television, if it is already unconscious provocation at Anna Carina, as they will then survive in the big jungle, they will then go around all the time with a toilet brush?
Dear Nina, if you would rumzicken not so, would you recognize the Anna Carina simply unsafe and so is a bit crazy on it, because it plays on their uncertainty by simply grins the problems away!
Anna Carina is different and we need it too, someone who simply can not and does not abspasten plays Nina, who says in a moment: how mean everyone is and makes a sad face, and even before the second to end is she changes her face from sad to happy and distributed kisses into the camera. The play is disgusting.
So how do we know about Browin Bandelow, a star must have an injury and simply believe in ghosts.

But I still wonder what's wrong with all the talent shows?
If we run out of all the creative people? Germany's Next Top Model is indeed a pure shit. The only thing worth seeing there are the shoes of Heidi Klum. Sorry to see the girls all look alike.
Ah television still sad and I also because I get to see nothing: (

Wedding Koozie Sayings Police

uDraw the new highlight for the Wii

Some time ago I came across a new highlight for the Wii and think it will be one of the best Wii games 2011th We are talking about uDrawGameTablet

For me, it seems to convey a very sophisticated, ingenious new feel and also the other games released soon or already published are able to convince:


I can only recommend, and I'm only on for days to paint the device. It makes animal fun and a brilliant extension for all Wii owners.